Friday, July 11, 2008

Bad Day for the CEO

Chapter 1
One day inside the country club the C.E.O. was telling his waiter cogs to set the tables because today was the bossbot cogs' feast; but then from inside the elevator he heard a creaking noise as if more cogs were coming, but he had all the cogs there. Suddenly there was another loud creeeeak and the elevator opened and and non-familiar cogs came out. Then he noticed they were waiters and he told them to serve the feast fast. They were giving out water fast, but what was bad was cogs were exploding! Then he said "Hey! these waiters are Toons in disguise!"

to be continued . . .


Jodi Egerton said...

Oooh! I can't wait to hear what comes next...

Amber said...

Thank you for writing a story! I am excited to find out what happens next.

Dirk said...


suealex said...

Cool! So what do cogs eat at a feast?